Project Journey Map

Project work
20-40 minutes

Make sense of what happened in a past project. It's often easy to do work without having a personal time to make sense of how it really went. This activity will have you draw out key moments in the past project and push you toward a few key reflections.

What you'll need

  • A sheet of blank paper and pen, or a digital canvas (sketch, figma, miro, mural, etc.)


  1. Draw a line on a sheet of blank paper
  2. Start by filling out a timeline of major project events, anything that changed the state/course of the project.
  3. Now think through and fill in the “emotional state” journey map line—how were you feeling throughout the course of this project?
  4. Where did you feel the most frustration? Circle that area and draw an exclamation mark on your timeline here
  5. Finally, where did you feel you had the great impact? Circle your timeline & draw a star on your timeline here
  6. Consider the following questions
    - How did your involvement in the project get started? How much influence did you have over how that?
    - What type of event, action, or outcome made you feel the most impactful?
    - What conditions led to stress or difficulty in the project? Why?
    - How did your involvement close? What were the ultimate outcomes?
Last updated: .
May 16, 2020 5:22 PM

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